A New York Times reporter seems impressed with Pittsburgh's redevelopment efforts, penning a story headlined, "Art and Science Remake the Steel City." Judge for yourself.
One question: Readers, can anyone confirm this claim:
"We lost 146,000 manufacturing jobs, then replaced them with 168,000 education and medically related positions," said Michael E. Edwards, executive director of the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership.
I am not saying it's false. It just surprises me. But if it is true, I have a related question: Where did everybody go?
Pittsburgh's population decline has been well documented in numerous venues. But if the Pittsburgh's ability to grow "education and medically related positions" has outpaced the loss of manufacturing jobs--by an astonishing 22,000 positions--shouldn't that have required a net gain of people? Or are the demographics such that only families of six are leaving and being replaced by single workers? If so, why?
Just wondering.