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Still, for me, the most interesting part of the article indicates that someone in Baltimore is bothering to look at who is moving downtown and from where.

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When people talk about the cost of housing, often the only thing people talk about is the actual cost of the home they intend to buy. And often, one thing that many people note when they buy a home in one of the distant suburbs is that they can "get more home for the money" in a distant suburb vs living closer in.

What people don't usually count in the cost of owning a home is the higher transportation costs that are incurred when people live further away from jobs and entertainment options.

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And often, one thing that many people note when they buy a home in one of the distant suburbs is that they can "get more home for the money"

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Nice post. I've been trying to catch up on some of the events and happenings since I landed on the island. Are you sure about Visser not getting a lot of votes.
What is your footnote a reference to? The asterisk is missing from the main body of the posting.

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And often, one thing that many people note when they buy a home in one of the distant suburbs

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Has read all in detail, excellent blog! When people talk about the cost of housing, often the only thing people talk about is the actual cost of the home they intend to buy. And often, one thing that many people note when they buy a home in one of the distant suburbs is that they can "get more home for the money" in a distant suburb vs living closer in.

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When people talk about the cost of housing, often the only thing people talk about is the actual cost of the home they intend to buy. And often, one thing that many people note when they buy a home in one of the distant suburbs is that they can "get more home for the money" in a distant suburb vs living closer in.GooD Luck!


I searched for this theme! Nice post. I've been trying to catch up on some of the events and happenings since I landed on the island. Are you sure about Visser not getting a lot of votes. What is your footnote a reference to? The asterisk is missing from the main body of the posting.

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Has read all in detail, excellent blog! When people talk about the cost of housing, often the only thing people talk about is the actual cost of the home they intend to buy. And often, one thing that many people note when they buy a home in one of the distant suburbs is that they can "get more home for the money" in a distant suburb vs living closer in.

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What an excellent blog! When people talk about the cost of housing, often the only thing people talk about is the actual cost of the home they intend to buy. And often, one thing that many people note when they buy a home in one of the distant suburbs is that they can "get more home for the money" in a distant suburb vs living closer in.

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Last, note that the predicted boom in Baltimore is tied to a real explosion in downtown jobs: 17,000 of them in six years. That is, people might like the fancy new streetscapes and there might be a trend toward city living, but generally speaking, it's job growth fueling residential growth. Is anyone predicting a similar job explosion in Pittsburgh to help fill all of our new condos? I can see some of it. Bank of New York is predicting adding a few thousand jobs. Anyone have prediction for net growth over the next six years?

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