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I don't smoke. I oppose the smoking ban as it would apply to bars. I can understand it in offices and to a limited degree in resturants because smoke affects the taste of food.

I agree with much of what you've written about the anti-smoking movement in general and in Pa in particular.

Last, the questions you've raised about Godshall's involvement in editorial writing deserves clear answers from the PG and the Erie Times-News. Emphasis on the "clear".

Jonathan Potts

If there is any basis for a smoking ban, it would be to protect the health of workers--which isn't to say that I necessarily favor a ban. But I certainly don't believe that how smoke affects the taste of food is any basis for banning smoking from restaurants. No one has the right to a good-tasting meal.


"Kissing the Feet" Just take a look at all the money spent on adds from local hospitals, health care and Big Pharma. The local and national media are the ones with millions of reason to be "Kissing the Feet" of their pimps.

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